#We Owe to Him

Omukama Cwa II Kabalega Monument

“He was in national dress, namely, he was wrapped up to the chest in a piece of fine
salmon-coloured barkcloth, from which, at times, his feet protruded. From the chest upwards he was naked. Above the waist, on his right arm, he wore a thin bracelet of iron and above the right elbow an amulet of roots, which so tightly encilrcled his arm as to be embedded in the flesh. Over his left shoulder he wore, in the manner of a plaid, another piece of pretty barkcloth of a somewhat darker colour. He had a necklace made from the hairs of a giraffe’s tail with a single large glass bead in the centre.”

Description of Kabalega by Emin Pasha after their maiden meeting

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Throne at the centre

Inside Kabalega's Palace, at the very centre of the room, Omukama Kabalega would sit regally upon an elevated throne flanked by two posts that supported the hall's roof. Upon this throne, a rustic and expansive armchair adorned with animal skins was placed. To honor the significance of the central throne within Kabalega's Palace, we propose the construction of a Kabalega monument at the center of a circular courtyard. This monument will serve as a central focal point, emphasizing Kabalega's pivotal role in Bunyoro's rich history.

Proposed Kabalega monument
Description of Kabalega by Emin Pasha after their maiden visit

“He was in national dress, namely, he was wrapped up to the chest in a piece of fine salmon-coloured barkcloth, from which, at times, his feet protruded. From the chest upwards he was naked. Above the waist, on his right arm, he wore a thin bracelet of iron and above the right elbow an amulet of roots, which so tightly encilrcled his arm as to be embedded in the flesh. Over his left shoulder he wore, in the manner of a plaid, another piece of pretty barkcloth of a somewhat darker colour. He had a necklace made from the hairs of a giraffe’s tail with a single large glass bead in the centre.”

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Your contribution towards imortalising Omukama Cwa II  Kabalega through this center counts and will be greatly appreciated. No amount is too small, or too big for this cause. You can give via VISA, MasterCard, or Mobile Money. For other forms of donation such as cheque, please contact us on: +256-200-900935